• The U.S. Center for SafeSport is an independent nonprofit committed to building a sport community where participants can work and learn together free of emotional, physical and sexual abuse and misconduct.
  • USA Swimming’s top priority continues to be keeping their athletes safe. No form of abuse, including child sexual abuse, has a place in the sport.
  • ATAC is dedicated to providing that safe environment for our athletes.  This page has resources from our club and USA Swimming to help swimmers and families.

This is the safe sport initiative for ATAC swim Club. Please click on each section to find out more about What ATAC is doing to keep our athletes safe.  Please be informed of our policies and action plans.  Our codes of conduct for Parents/Guardians and Athletes can be found on our forms page. (These were signed when you registered.)

Our Safe Sport Coordinator is Mike Gentry email: gmgentry@aol.com

Parent Orientation

Parent Card

Peer to Peer

Electronic Communication Policy

Travel Policy

Action Plan

Parent and Swimmer Codes of conduct

Safe Sport for Parents

Safe Sport for Athletes

Minor Althete Abuse Protection Policy

Coaches Code of Conduct

Safe Sport Best Practice Guidelines

Safe Sport Recognized Comms Tips Sheet

To deal with a Safe Sport concern, contact USA Swimming at (719) 866-4578


Contact the U.S. Center for Safe Sport to make a report. Call 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233) or use the

online reporting form or find more information at http://www.uscenterforsafesport.org/